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Residential Solar Explained

The point of a solar system is to save money on your electricity bill and cutting greenhouse emissions using the sun to generate a portion of the electricity you consume. 

It's like having your own power station on your roof.  
There are many factors to consider when looking at purchasing a solar system, the two most common are financial and technical.  
Financial - Solar is not for everyone and the calculations involved to work out whether it make sense can be confusing and cumbersome. This is why we use solar consultants and not just people good at sales. Our solar consultants will ensure you get the right product to meet your power requirements offering the best return on your investment.   
Technical - It's a common misconception that solar systems comprises of only two components: the panels and the inverter. The third often missed component is its monitoring system.  

The monitoring system will either give you the generation at the panel, string  or inverter level some more advanced systems will also provide your grid energy consumption information. We ensure that the panels and inverters are of the best quality with the latest monitoring capability. 

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Incentives and Feed-in tariff 

The Government solar incentives are being phased out from January  2017 to 2030. 

The graph below shows the value of the incentive based on a 5kW solar system. 

Don't wait for the price of solar to increase, speak to one of our solar consultants today about getting the best possible deal whilst the incentive is at it's highest. 

The feed-in tariff is the amount you will be reimbursed on your bill for exporting excess electricity to the grid.

If your solar system is generating more power than you are consuming at any given time the excess power is exported. 


In Victoria, the feed-in tariff currently sits at 11.3c per kWh

Battery Storage

In addition to the feed-in tariff, there is another option for your excess generated electricity, store it. 


Over the last few years battery storage has become more viable due to improvements in technology and an increase in demand. 


This makes today's battery systems much more affordable and are financially starting make a lot of sense. 


We work with many types of batteries from lithium to salt water as they all have their applications. 


Book a solar consultant today to find out what a battery system can do for you. 

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